No, Travis and Nathan did not make the obvious joke they, well, joked they would when they reached a particular episode number of Kamen Rider (1971). Get used to disappointment because they felt a bit let down by these episodes. The first one features the final appearance—in this series—of Dr. Shinigami/Death/Reaper. It turns out—SPOILER WARNING!—he’s a kaijin! Yes, he transforms into a squid with a cape trick. But…his final fight with KR is a bit underwhelming. The next episode is all about recycling…plots, that is. Children of the Shockorn Part 97, mind control, killer soundwaves. At least the cricket kaijin takes a knife to the head, though. Enjoy more Henshin Men shenanigans!

Kamen Rider (1971) is available to stream on Shout!FactoryTV and Tubi. Watch there to follow along with us!

Follow Henshin Men on Twitter: @HenshinMenPod. Join the official Facebook fan page for this and The Monster Island Film Vault, The Markalite Lounge.

Listen to Travis’s main podcast, Kaiju Weekly, and Nathan’s podcasts, The Monster Island Film Vault and The Power Trip.

Henshin Men is a proud member of the Kaiju Ramen Podcast Network.


-“Kamen Rider - Let's Go!! Rider Kick (Cover)” by Eternal Melee

-“Not Your Above-Average Joe [Standing Ovation]” by Ivan Hakštok

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