What does a mole and a jellyfish have in common? No, this isn’t a joke; it’s actually something Nathan and Travis try to figure out in today’s edition of Henshin Men. Kamen Rider 2 battles a mole kaijin and a jellyfish kaijin in this week’s episodes. Both of them have eyes in weird places—like biological periscopes and at the end of tentacles. Did we mention that the jellyfish looks like Cobra Commander with a Tentacool for a hood? The series also continues its weird obsession with flinging “Kamen Kennys” like sacks of potatoes. These two wacky Kamen Rider adventures inspired multiple episode title ideas, including, “Babydoll Jellydall” and “Rider Jump Cut.” In other words, it’s just another week at Henshin Men!

Kamen Rider (1971) is available to stream on Shout!Factory TV and Tubi. Watch there to follow along with us!

Follow Henshin Men on Twitter: @HenshinMenPod.

Listen to Travis’s main podcast, Kaiju Weekly, and Nathan’s main podcast, The Monster Island Film Vault.


-“Kamen Rider - Let's Go!! Rider Kick (Cover)” by Eternal Melee

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