Episode 11: This Isn’t Even My Final Form! (Kamen Rider Eps. 20-21)

This week, Kamen Rider II battles Mothra! (Moth Man? Mothra Man?) Well, kinda. Your toku-loving hosts, Travis and Nathan, are just as confused by Shocker’s kaijin-of-the-week because, once again, he has two names: Dokugander and Poison-Mothdar! But if that wasn’t enough, Toei tries to upstage Tsuburaya Productions by crucifying Tachibana and the Rider Girls on electrified crosses—twice! To say newbie Nathan wasn’t prepared for any of this would be an understatement. But all this isn’t even the weirdest thing discussed in this episode. No, much to Nathan’s chagrin…Travis starts “shipping” Kamen Rider characters…specifically Hayato and Taki. So, this is how Henshin Men ends—with a thunderous facepalm.

Kamen Rider (1971) is available to stream on Shout!Factory TV and Tubi. Watch there to follow along with us!