Previous Episode: Foresight is 2020
Next Episode: 089 – Dinero Targaryen

Rejoice, listeners, your long national nightmare is over! Henry Kissinger is Pokemon GOing to Die returns to the fray after taking a month to rest off the burnout. We return with a slightly tweaked format, but don't worry, someone says "Peepee Poopoo Johnson" at some point and Sara talks about Nancy Pelosi doing orange justice so not that much has changed. In addition, Roy ponders what Bitch McTurtle is up to, Matt Gamecube  considers the dearth of actual left-wing media, and Sam saunters back into the podcast for a little round of the ol' Movieball!

Music used:
The Taxpayers - Evil Men
Rush - Closer to the Heart

Hosts are Matt (Gamecube), Roy, Sam, and Sara (who also edited!)