Hemp housing is becoming a reality

  “Big news for home building! Hempcrete has now been preliminarily approved for future adoption into the International Residential Code thanks to the U.S. Hemp Building Association’s application and expert team.   Henry Gage, Jr,  Director of Certifications, US Hemp Building Association and Founder of Build Green Now,  Jacob Waddell, Executive Director, US Hemp Building Association  and  Sally Warren, Board-Certified Naturopath and Member of Build Green Now, join Joy Beckerman to explain what this means, next steps, and how you can help move hempcrete move to the mainstream.

Produced by PodConx

Hemp Barons - https://podconx.com/podcasts/hemp-barons

Joy Beckerman - https://podconx.com/guests/joy-beckerman

Hemp Ace International - http://www.hempace.com/

Henry Gage, Jr. - https://ushba.org/

Jacob Waddell -https://podconx.com/guests/jacob-waddell

Build Green Now - https://www.buildgreennow.net/

US Hemp Building Association - https://ushba.org/