Boom Baby! We’re back with an awesome guest. This guy has an amazing story and after you listen to this podcast, make sure you go get the full experience and subscribe to his YouTube channel. L.A. Aguayo has Hemophilia B and has overcome some dark days to emerge as …


Boom Baby! We’re back with an awesome guest. This guy has an amazing story and after you listen to this podcast, make sure you go get the full experience and subscribe to his YouTube channel.

L.A. Aguayo has Hemophilia B and has overcome some dark days to emerge as a leader, inspiration, and role model for our community.  We talk Tinder, Gary Vee, Supplements, and YouTube on Episode 24.

It was truly an honor to have him on the podcast anda great way to kick off Season Two. Remember to subscribe via the annoying pop ups or the Hello Bar at the top of this page to get notified of the next podcast and to the Hemos Unite Playlist on YouTube for general Hemo Stuff happening in our little corner of the Hemo World.

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Send me some comments, I love to hear your stories and suggestions!