Previous Episode: Hembra E02

-- "Possession" by SamanthaTonini

A woman is haunted by her dreams

-- "The Envelope" by Augie Peterson

A homeless man is given the chance to turn his life around. Will he do it, no matter the cost?

-- "The Maiden Flight of Bluebird 3.2" by Beth Crane

A woman is awakened from cryo-sleep, ready for her next shift.

-- "Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley

Hembra Writing Podcast is a new monthly podcast showcasing female and non-binary writers.

Short plays, prose, monologues, and one-shots from female and non-binary writers.

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@HembraWriting@BattleBirdProd If you'd like to submit to Hembra, please visit our website or email us at [email protected]

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