In today’s episode of the “Helping Families be Happy” podcast, host Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a practicing Clinical Psychologist, Wellness Advocate, and Author based in Sonoma County, California talks with Gabe Jensen (Author-illustrator of his book ‘NEVERWOOF - The Dog That Never Barked). Gabe gives some insights about his book and takes us through the journey of publishing this book.

Episode Highlights

01:10 – Gabe says this is his debut book, and it's something that he has been working on now for approximately 30 years trying to become published. 
02:00 – At the age of 19 Gabe wrote a story which was about little creatures that are responsible for night happening.
04:10 – ‘NEVERWOOF’ is such a good dog, and he never barks. Gabe says anyone who has a dog can appreciate a dog who doesn't bark a lot.
05:25 – Dr. Carla mentions, the upside/downside to the story is that NEVERWOOF is very calm, grounded, and impeccable, and yet, he might have to step out of that calm space to do something good to protect his people.
06:30 – The general message of this book is so beautiful. NEVERWOOF figures out a way to stay true to itself, while still helping his family as well as his house.
09:30 – An important part of the message in this book is to say that you're going to try things on that don't feel right but that is okay, reveals Gabe.
11:10 – Gabe is trying to carve out a little niche of a more classic, and very simplistic style with just two colors. He is hoping kids will respond and connect with the book.
13:15 - When we see a simple message as we're reading to a child, we know they are getting it on some level, no matter the age, and we are getting that reassurance, says Dr. Carla.
15:20 – Gabe refers to the gatekeepers while publishing the book - that for better or worse, even if the story fails and doesn't get published, he feels he is in integrity with himself. 
17:30 – Gabe’s father has been a big inspiration for him as he is a Science Fiction Writer. He was fairly well known.
19:40 – Dr. Carla asks Gabe to give about three or four takeaways for the listeners.
21:05 - If you're interested in creative pursuits, explore those even if you don't feel like you're an expert in any of them, stresses Gabe.
23:00 - If you love the work that you're doing, keep focusing on that and let that push you through a lot of the negativity that you might find.

Three Key Points

In this book, NEVERWOOF hears a fire engine go by; he follows the fire engine and saves a baby. But all the time he keeps this behavior of calm about him until one night when his family home gets invaded by a robber named Stinky Sue. Now he has to decide what to do. Is he going to stay true to himself?
Gabe thinks that kids, and even adults, on the one hand sometimes struggle to be true to who we feel we are but at the same time, especially those kids and adults that may be shy, but they constantly feel the pressure to be kind of get over that. The key is to figure out a way to stay true to that part of yourself that may make you more of a quiet person, but at the same time, you can find your voice in a way that's true to you.
Part of the reason that Gabe is so excited to publish this book is that he is looking forward to having the chance to read to kids of the age that this is designed for, which is four to six. It can be challenging sometimes when you're trying to publish a kid's book because most of the gatekeepers are adults including the Editors, Agents, Art Directors, and others. It can be hard sometimes to not lose track of the fact that you're writing for kids.

Tweetable Quotes

“I tried to publish my first book when I was 19 years old.”– Gabe Jensen
“I did several board games and logic games.” - Gabe Jensen
“We're talking about ‘NEVERWOOF’ being an introvert and a very self-reflective introvert.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“I had to keep looking for where I could find my place in that environment staying true to self.” - Gabe Jensen
“That is a big message of the book as figuring out how to tell what the right path is?” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“I also designed the art to match the simplicity of what I feel that messages.” - Gabe Jensen
“I remember as a kid, seeing books that were incredibly simple.” - Gabe Jensen
“I have to fight against that impulse of writing to the market or writing to these gatekeepers.” - Gabe Jensen
“If people get pleased, while you're staying in touch with yourself, wonderful, but to lose yourself to please other people doesn't go out very well.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“It's okay to speak a little bit of our false voice as you're trying to find your true voice.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“It's very important to be persistent especially if you're trying to do something difficult, like publishing a book.” - Gabe Jensen


Resources Mentioned

Helping Families be Happy Podcast Apple
Dr. Carla Marie Manly Website LinkedIn Twitter   Instagram
Gabe Jensen: Website Instagram
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