Episode Summary 

In this heartfelt episode of the Helping Families Be Happy podcast, host Christopher Robbins converses with author Abigail Calkin, exploring the nuanced world of military families, love, relationships, and the challenges of PTSD. Abigail shares her journey as a military spouse and discusses her book, *The Soul of My Soldier*. The discussion also delves into the importance of understanding and supporting veterans with PTSD, and the therapeutic power of writing and poetry in healing and coping with the aftermath of military service. 

Episode Highlights 

- **00:00:10 - Introduction**: Christopher Robbins introduces the podcast, focusing on the complex dynamics of family, love, and relationships. He outlines the episode's objective of understanding and supporting military families through the lens of Abigail Calkin's experiences and literary work. 

- **00:01:14 - Abigail Calkin's Background**: Robbins details Abigail Calkin's achievements and publications, highlighting her literary contributions that span poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and analyses of behavioral psychology. Calkin's diverse work reflects a deep exploration of human emotion, relationships, and the psychological impacts of military life. 

- **00:02:32 - Welcome to Abigail Calkin**: Robbins warmly welcomes Abigail Calkin to the podcast. This introduction sets the stage for an intimate and profound discussion about military life, love, and the power of writing. 

- **00:02:45 - Building a Life in Alaska**: Calkin shares her intriguing journey to Alaska, where she and her family built a life, highlighting her hands-on approach and the significance of community and environment in her writing and personal growth. 

- **00:03:20 - Inspiration behind *The Soul of My Soldier***: Calkin discusses the emotional triggers and inspirations for writing her book, rooted in her experiences and observations as a military spouse, particularly during her husband's deployment to Desert Storm. 

- **00:06:30 - A Reading from *The Soul of My Soldier***: Abigail reads a poignant excerpt from her book, conveying the profound emotional and psychological scars left by war, not only on the soldiers but also on their families. 

- **00:09:17 - Understanding Veterans and PTSD**: Calkin provides insight into living with and supporting veterans with PTSD. She emphasizes patience, understanding, and the importance of communication, sharing personal anecdotes to illuminate the challenges and strategies for coping. 

- **00:11:28 - Audience Engagement and Reception**: Robbins and Calkin discuss the diverse reactions to *The Soul of My Soldier* from military and civilian readers alike, highlighting the book's impact and the varied perspectives on military service and its aftermath. 

- **00:16:22 - Honoring and Supporting Veterans**: Calkin articulates thoughtful and meaningful ways to honor, support, and understand veterans. She reflects on both personal gestures and broader societal acknowledgments that contribute to recognizing and appreciating veterans' sacrifices. 

- **00:20:25 - Closing Remarks and Contact Information**: The episode concludes with Robbins thanking Calkin for her insights and contributions. Calkin shares her contact information, inviting listeners to explore her work further. 

Key Takeaways 

- The emotional and psychological challenges faced by military families, particularly those dealing with PTSD, require patience, understanding, and open communication. 

- Writing and poetry can serve as powerful therapeutic tools for expressing and coping with the complexities of military life and its impacts on soldiers and their families. 

- Honoring and supporting veterans involves both personal gestures of kindness and societal efforts to recognize and appreciate their sacrifices and service. 

Show Notes By Barevalue

Tweetable Quotes 

- *"Understanding and supporting our veterans with PTSD requires patience, compassion, and the willingness to listen." - Abigail Calkin* 

- *"Writing can be a powerful therapy for the soul, helping military families navigate the enduring impacts of service and sacrifice." - Abigail Calkin*