In today’s episode of the “Helping Families Be Happy” podcast, host Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a practicing Clinical Psychologist, Wellness Advocate, and Author based in Sonoma County, California talks with guest Jessica Lancaster who shares about her work as an Actor, Social Media Guru, Producer, and Waitress.


Episode Highlights

01:38 – Jessica says, she waited tables now for 20 years and she doesn't actually need to do it financially anymore.
03:51 – It's important for people with phones to keep them away while they eat.
05:30 – Jessica wishes she could have had more family meals; so many wonderful things can happen around the dinner table.
07:10 – Dr. Carla asks Jessica about her life as an Instagram Goddess.
09:05 - Instagram is a great way to unite mothers. Those are the groups and communities of support and connection that can be found only through Instagram.
11:35 – If the post doesn't make sense of what they're doing or what they're trying to say, Jessica guides them to a better target market of quote selling. 
13:30 – Jessica mentions that everybody is doing cool stuff like the artsy design but now what's working is just authentic feeling in the moment.
15:38 - It's important to shop local and support these women and these moms specifically as the money's going right into their children.
17:40 - The movie making and producing came out of necessity to play good roles, mentions Jessica.
19:43 – Jessica says, she grew up in an interesting family where her mom was married four times, and her dad was married three times. 
21:00 – Jessica talks about what the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) means.
24:40 – Good acting is that they want something different than you want, and that's what makes the scene explode, says Jessica.
25:15 – Dr. Carla states, that as a parent, and partner you are seeing the other and you're responding to them whereas, in acting, you are reacting to create contrast.
27:50 - The scene has the contrast, but in life, one should get what they want.
29:38 – Jessica says, when there is a contrast, it's an easy solution.
31:25 - One piece of advice that sticks with Jessica is don't give up on having to be right.
33:18 – Jessica shares, that something shifted in her and she learned that it didn't feel good to be in an argument, and she’s not going to do that anymore.
34:50 – If you're looking for a good movie, Jessica has got movies like ‘The Holy Fail’, and ‘Choosing Signs’ on Amazon.
36:10 – Dr. Carla says, we need more films about love, comedy, and lightheartedness.


Three Key Points

Dr. Carla Highlights - one of the things she loves about Familius Publishing is that they have a grassroots way of working where they honor moms, and families and are heavily focused on that. She’s a believer that the more we support our kids, the more we support our family, the family’s authenticity, genuineness, caring for the planet, and the happier we all are going to be in the long run.
Children don't know enough to make life easy so the parents have to come in. Unfortunately for many people, they don't know how they weren't given lessons, they didn't have role models on how to be in a relationship. So, the work that is involved for people is getting to a place within themselves and their relationships.
Dr. Carla mentions - it is about showing the world what it looks like to radiate love. Not radiate I am right, or I am better. You are bad, but to radiate love, because that's what Jessica does it's one of the things she specializes in naturally as she radiates love.


Tweetable Quotes

“I tell people at my tables I'm like, if possible, please don't have your cell phones out.” - Jessica Lancaster
“If you're talking and communicating, you're not just eating the food. You're enjoying the food.” - Jessica Lancaster
“You'll go to someone's page and they have like 100,000 followers and 17 likes, that feels inauthentic to me.” - Jessica Lancaster
“The more authentic you are, the more successful your page will be.” - Jessica Lancaster
“There is less than 1% of SAG actors are making a living acting.” - Jessica Lancaster
“The SAG makes sure that I get the residuals from that TV show I did or same with CSI or whatever.” - Jessica Lancaster
“It sounds as if being a producer might not be or as an actor might not be as glamorous as people think there's a lot going on behind the scenes.” – Dr. Carla Carie Manly
“TV and film would be very boring if everybody got a long period.” - Jessica Lancaster
“People want to be seen and validated. So, the lesson of the day is to avoid the contrast in your relationships.” - Dr. Carla Carie Manly
“I teach reflective listening, mirroring all of those things and being able to not engage in dichotomous thinking, where I'm right, you're wrong. - Dr. Carla Carie Manly
“Just be good to one another.” - Jessica Lancaster
“I think to me, that's the best kind of film is where the actors radiate love.” - Dr. Carla Carie Manly


Resources Mentioned

Helping Families be Happy Podcast Apple
Dr. Carla Marie Manly Website LinkedIn Twitter   Instagram
Jessica Lancaster: Instagram
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