In this episode of the Helping Families Be Happy podcast, host Christopher Robbins, an author, husband, and father of nine, engages in a heartfelt conversation with Heather Hester, founder of Chrysalis Mama and advocate for LGBTQIA+ adolescents. They delve into the complexities and beauties of parenting LGBTQ+ teens, drawing from personal experiences and Heather's recent book, "Parenting with Pride." This discussion offers valuable insights into embracing and supporting LGBTQIA+ children with understanding, love, and empowerment. 

Episode Highlights:

- **00:00:09**: Christopher Robbins introduces the podcast and its mission to explore family, love, and relationships. He shares his background as a co-founder of Famis Publishing and a father of nine, emphasizing the podcast's commitment to providing real-life insights into nurturing family dynamics and supportive environments for all family members, including LGBTQIA+ teens. 

- **00:01:17**: Heather Hester is introduced as today’s guest. She talks about her role as the founder of Chrysalis Mama and her efforts to support parents and allies of LGBTQIA+ adolescents through education and empowerment. Heather shares her anticipation for the release of her first book, "Parenting with Pride," which aims to guide parents in embracing, empowering, and loving their LGBTQ+ teens. 

- **00:02:23**: Heather expresses her gratitude for being a part of the podcast and delves into the origins of her podcast, "Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen." She discusses the importance of sharing personal experiences and hosting guests with diverse expertise to support and educate parents navigating their journey with LGBTQ+ adolescents. 

- **00:04:29**: The conversation shifts to the core message of Heather's book. They discuss the challenges parents might face when their child comes out as LGBTQ+ and the significance of approaching these challenges with love, understanding, and a willingness to learn and unlearn biases. 

- **00:05:20**: Heather emphasizes simplicity in dealing with complex emotions and scenarios that arise when a child comes out. She encourages parents to see their child for who they are, reassure them of their unconditional love, and engage in self-reflection and learning to support their child effectively. 

- **00:06:16**: The discussion underlines the universal needs of children to be seen, heard, and loved. Christopher and Heather talk about the power of genuine curiosity and open communication in strengthening the parent-child relationship, especially when navigating the child's journey of self-discovery and expression. 

- **00:08:04**: Love as a verb is highlighted, with a focus on demonstrating love through actions and behaviors. This part of the discussion serves as a reminder that showing love and support plays a crucial role in modeling healthy relationships and emotional well-being for children. 

- **00:09:03**: Heather and Christopher explore the positive impacts of embracing and supporting LGBTQ+ children on family dynamics. They share personal stories that illustrate the strength and closeness that can result from navigating these experiences with compassion and understanding. 

- **00:09:55**: Educational resources and strategies for unlearning bias are discussed. Heather provides recommendations for organizations and resources that offer valuable information and support for families and communities striving to better understand and embrace LGBTQIA+ individuals. 

- **00:12:29**: Heather shares her hopes for readers of her book. She wishes for them to recognize the inherent capability within themselves to love their children unconditionally, become strong allies, and find freedom from fear through education and open-heartedness. 

- **00:14:14**: Closing thoughts emphasize the enduring and evolving journey of acceptance and love within families. 

Show Notes By Barevalue

Heather shares updates on her family and the positive outcomes of embracing the principles discussed in her book and throughout her advocacy work. 

- **00:14:57**: Contact information for Heather Hester is provided, offering listeners further opportunities to connect with her work and access additional resources through her website, Chrysalis Mama. 

Key Takeaways:

Embracing and supporting LGBTQ+ children begins with unconditional love, open communication, and a willingness to learn and unlearn biases. 
Genuine curiosity about a child's experiences and perspectives can strengthen the parent-child relationship and foster a supportive environment for self-discovery. 
Education and resources are available for families seeking to better understand and navigate the complexities of parenting LGBTQ+ children, emphasizing the importance of community and expert guidance. 
The journey of embracing LGBTQ+ children is ongoing, filled with opportunities for growth, understanding, and deeper familial connections. 

Tweetable Quotes:

- "Your child just needs to be seen. They need to know that you love them for who they are right now." - Heather Hester 

- "Love is a verb; it requires action. In our behavior and actions, we actually show love." - Christopher Robbins 

- "It's all been in them all along... they can be the ally that their child needs." - Heather Hester 

Resources Mentioned:

Helping Families be Happy Podcast

Chrysalis Mama

Heather Hester

Show Notes By Barevalue