In today’s episode of the “Helping Families be Happy” podcast, host Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a practicing Clinical Psychologist, Wellness Advocate, and Author based in Sonoma County, California talks with Libby Kiszner who will be talking about her book ‘Dear Libby’. In her book she makes us discover the author within. Libby guides you to tap into your creativity, hone your strengths and create a book that resonates with readers. Whether you’re a first-time author or a seasoned publisher, acquire the tools you need to.

Episode Highlights

01:20 – Libby shares that she lives in Jerusalem, Israel. She grew up in Brooklyn, then lived in Montreal for seven years, and then came to Israel, so she has been traveling, wandering, and exploring the world.
03:10 – Dr. Carla asks Libby to tell more about her book - ‘Dear Libby’.
05:15 - Different circumstances require different answers the same person asking the same question in a different situation might need to have a different answer, says Libby.
07:55 – Dr. Carla states that the best we could do is to try to when we do try answer or something to offer sound and sage advice or insights as possible.
09:08 - One of the reasons Libby loves children's books so much is because you can learn so much from them because of the purity.
11:15 - As children, we might think we could find a way to make it better for everyone, says Libby.
13:10 - Part of our journey is learning how to transform our pain and fears into joy, and doing it mindfully, states Dr. Carla.
15:30 – Libby highlights that not everybody knows how to do that, or what would be the perfect way to comfort us in any given moment. But there is someone in us who knows how to comfort you to comfort yourself.
17:00 - The last chapter refers to keeping growing because connecting with others helps us grow.
19:10 – Libby says, self-expression is a gift that we all have, and she learned to express herself from a very young age.
20:30 – Dr. Carla mentions whether it's cooking, gardening, writing, or singing, whatever it is when families make space for that you've made space for your children in that way.
23:10 - Libby believes that what makes a happy family whether we have one, nine, or twenty children is the calm, comforting presence of a nurturing parent.
25:25 – “I believe that everyone has transformational power of words within them.” says Libby.

Three Key Points

There's so much pain in the world and everybody's struggling with their challenges and difficulties. In a way when people read these painful stories they feel not alone but on the other hand, I think they're dealing with so much already. So why add to that why not bring more light stories, more happy stories, or positive stories?
Libby mentions that as an adult, we get to realize that suffering, pain, joy, and hope they're all part of life. It's all that makes us living beings have a human experience where we grow from the pain we come out the other side with joy.
Libby narrates ‘Chapter-6’ of the book where you connect with others and also by expressing yourself and finding the vehicle through which you love to express yourself. Some people love to express themselves through them. Other people like to express themselves through painting but by expressing yourself you find your kindred spirits


Tweetable Quotes

“I had three in Canada and five in Israel.”– Libby Kiszner
“There can be many answers and many options.” - Libby Kiszner
“Life is uncertain answers are sometimes a little uncertain, so let's just explore.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“I was seven years old when I found the first book I read.” - Libby Kiszner
“Some people say writing is so joyful, and other people will say writing is so hard.” - Libby Kiszner
“How does that book tell us to take us on a walk into certain parts of your book, which I won't reveal because I think it's so fascinating.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“The ‘Dear Libby’ book came out of 15 years of listening to questions.” - Libby Kiszner
“When you express yourself you're like singing a song, you're in harmony with another person.” - Libby Kiszner
“What a beautiful way of expressing it and I also love what you were talking about writing.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly
“Everyone can allow who they are to come through and whatever style wants to come through.” - Libby Kiszner
“I can see how grounded, centered, and serene you are.” - Dr. Carla Marie Manly

Resources Mentioned

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Dr. Carla Marie Manly Website LinkedIn Twitter   Instagram
Libby Kiszner Website LinkedIn Amazon Twitter
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