As we learn to navigate life during the coronavirus pandemic, you may be wondering how home health care options have been impacted.

Are you a family caregiver who has utilized or is considering using in-home care? Are you considering moving your parents out of a senior living facility into your own home, but know you will still need caregiving assistance? Does your aging parent need help at home, but with COVID-19 as a very real threat to people over the age of 65, you worry about how safe it would be to have a caregiver in your loved one’s home? Are you like me, a mature adult who feels strongly about aging in place, and you want to know how COVID-19 may have reshaped the home care landscape?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, today’s episode is perfect for you.

To kick off Season Three of Help Choose Home, host Merrily Orsini welcomes Lora Masci Weagle, Director of Client Relations, and Adrianne Mann, RN, BSN, MSHA, Executive Director of HCR Home Care, which has been providing in-home care services for clients in upstate New York since 1978. Specifically, we discuss:

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 on home health care options Enhanced protocol steps HCR Home Care is taking to keep clients and staff safe The importance of educating and collaborating with referral sources The role of telehealth in connecting with clients to ensure necessary services are continuing Lessons from the pandemic that will positively impact home health care going forward

Be sure to check out Help Choose Home for Season 3, Episode 1 show notes and our full library of podcasts dedicated to helping families learn more about home health care options.