The medical and healthcare landscapes are vast and overwhelming, and as a consumer, it’s easy to feel like an anonymous face in the crowd. Dr. Michael Fratkin, CEO and founder of ResolutionCare, has been working to improve the care experience for people for most of his career, and founded ResolutionCare based on the idea that people are more than their bodies, more than their diseases, and more than the challenges they face.

Based in Northern California, Dr. Fratkin and his team specialize in providing palliative care for people in the comfort and familiarity of home, utilizing a network of experts who share a commitment to person-centered, at home health care. 

In this episode of Help Choose Home, we discuss the:

Importance of taking care of people, not patients Human experience of navigating a chronic or life-limiting disease Impact of helping people change how they face serious illness Transformative power of telemedicine to level the playing field

Be sure to check out Help Choose Home Season 3, Episode 4 show notes and our full library of podcasts dedicated to helping families learn more about professional home care options.