MONDAY, March 25, 2013
Our incredible special guest tonight is Dr. Neal Hermanowicz, Director of the Movement Disorders Program at the University of California at Irvine.
Dr. Hermanowicz is engaged foremost in patient care. He is a member of the Parkinson’s Study Group, The Huntington’s Study Group, the Dystonia Study Group, and the Multiple Systems Atrophy Study Group. Dr. Hermanowicz has been involved in numerous clinical trials and research in the area of movement disorders.
UC Irvine Medical Center’s Movement Disorders Services is a multidisciplinary practice that includes neurology, neurosurgery, nursing, physical therapy and nutritional counseling. Dr. Neal Hermanowicz, director, emphasizes that UC Irvine’s movement disorders specialists take a case management approach, which promotes communication among all the members of the team. This has a lot of benefits for patients with complex disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Hermanowicz says.