3:30 pm PST/6:30 pm EST
Tonight our incredible Dr. LaVonne Goodman is back for a new season of  the "Ask Dr. Goodman Show". Her knowledge and experience in treating Huntington's disease is a valuable and viable asset to our community. We are so blessed to have her return for a new season of continuing education and care for our beloved HD families.
Tonight we will hear about "A Clinical Research Workshop" Symposium presented by the Huntington Study Group (HSG), HDSA and Huntington's Disease Drug Works (Dr. Goodman) which took place in Seattle on November 10, 2012. It was attended by more than 250 individuals from Huntington's disease families and friends of HD.
Featured Keynote addresses that day were by:
LaVonne Goodman, MD, Huntington's Disease Drug Works
Charles Sabine, HD Advocate
Mary Edmondson, MD, Duke University Medical Center
Ashwini Rao, EdD, OTR, Columbia University
Pierre Tariot, MD, Banner Alzheimer's Institute
Blair Leavitt, MD, University of British Columbia
Tune in for another enlightening "Ask Dr. Goodman Show"