Jennifer Sanderson was born in Santa Barbara but moved to Bakersfield as a young child. After attending BC briefly, she soon left for LA, Fresno, and eventually settled in San Francisco. She also lived in various cities on extended work assessments. Memphis, Kansas City, Reno, Sacramento, Woodbridge, New Jersey and more. Jennifer has never been satisfied to do just “one thing” and has explored a great deal of careers within a multitude of fields (culinary, marketing, design, name a few!). In the early 2000s Jennifer found herself spending more and more time in Bakersfield and discovered it was very different than how she remembered it as a teen, and realized she liked it! Now, Jennifer has taken her love of setting the scene and culinary exploration and has turned it into Venue Unknown. It’s secret socials and dining for the daring (but not in a three-day old sushi kind of daring). She also consults restaurants on things as varied as food costing to marketing. She also helps the Bakersfield Marathon with social media and most recently she and a new business partner launched Neighborhood Pop Shop. A market for makers and shakers.