In this episode Amy and Dean covered their favorite parts of MS Ignite and how Bethesda have joined Team XBox. Jeremiah shared the audiences stories around usage of Active Directory. Jay shared the topic of his Azure Fun Bytes show on Thursday 11 March - machine learning. Kayla Cinnamon, Program Manager on the Windows Terminal team demoed the new features in Windows Terminal Preview 1.7 and we wrapped up with Shiva telling us all about why we should sign up for Microsoft Include on 17 March

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👉 Want to influence future Hello World broadcasts? Take 30 seconds to share your feedback with us here: Intro and agendaFind Microsoft Ignite on-demand joins Team Xbox - Phil Spencer Tweet and Blog Audience Challenge ReviewActive Directory/AAD: AzureFunBytesCheck out @AzureFunBytes with @jaydestro every Thursday at 11 AM / 2 PM EST on @LearnTV​  WinDevBoxWindows TerminalStable:​  Preview:​Docs:​ GitHub:​  IncludeLearn more about diversity & inclusion (D&I) Episode's Segments [00:00] Countdown
[01:10] Welcome & Headlines
[04:49] ​Audience Challenge Review
[11:09] Azure Fun Bytes
[16:16] WinDevBox
[21:17] Include
[26:44] Wrap-up  iCal URL

