On todays episode of HelloWorld we heard all about what's in store for .NET Conf tomorrow (Thursday 23rd February 2021), we reviewed your amazing submissions for the audience challenge: What's the most ridiculous firewall exception you've ever had to put in place, and why? Had a sneak peek into the next AzureFunBytes episode with Jay Gordon, and wrapped up with Kayla and Demitrius sharing what winget can do! Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you tomorrow.

Show NotesWelcome & HeadlinesMicrosoft IgniteMicrosoft Include 2021Azure Firewall Premium.NET Conf.Net ConfAudience Challenge ReviewAzure Firewall Premium now in previewAzure Firewall documentationIntroduction to Azure FirewallTips & Tricks AzureFunBytesLearn more about Azure Cosmos DBCheck out @AzureFunBytes with @jaydestro every Thursday at 11 AM / 2 PM EST on @LearnTV aka.ms/LearnTVWinDevBoxInstall winget as your new package manager


 Episode Segments

[00:00]​ Countdown
[00:20]​ Welcome & Headlines
[05:08]​ .NET Conf
[10:34] ​Audience Challenge Review
[15:38]​ Tips & Tricks AzureFunBytes
[21:02]​ WinDevBox
[25:39] Wrap-up


 ~ Originally air on LearnTV now archived on Ch9

