In this episode of Hello World be prepared to learn so much about Microsoft Graph! We will be talking about Graph Explorer, an incredible Toolkit, see how to get started with  client-side technologies and even build a console application using .Net! Join us as we learn with experts about the following topics and get all your questions answered live during the show!
 What's graph and Graph Explorer [04:43] ContactsFabian Williams @fabianwilliamsBrian T. Jackett @briantjackett Links📖 Microsoft Graph Fundamentals Learning Path 
The best way to learn Microsoft Graph. This learning path teaches you the basic concepts of Microsoft Graph. It guides you with hands-on exercises how to use Microsoft Graph API requests to start developing or enhancing your applications with Microsoft 365 data.For all things Microsoft Graph To run Microsoft Graph queries in your browser try out Graph ExplorerJoin our Microsoft 365 Platform community call each Tues 8-9am PT Exploring Microsoft Graph Toolkit [17:36] - What is Microsoft Graph Toolkit- Why use Microsoft Graph Toolkit- Short demo on what the Toolkit can enable you to build Contact- Beth Pan @beth_panx Links- Microsoft Graph Toolkit docs- Toolkit component playground📖 Toolkit learn module: Develop apps with the Microsoft Graph Toolkit   How to get started with Microsoft Graph using client-side technologies! [31:06] Learn how to get an access token using MSALLearn how to get profile information and pictures using Microsoft GraphLearn how to get Files and Tasks from Microsoft Graph Contacts- Sébastien Levert @sebastienlevert- Waldek Mastykarz @waldekm Links📖 Learn about Graph and client-side technologies hereGet all the docs about Graph  Introduction to .NET scenarios [44:43]  ContactVincent Biret @baywetLinksGet started with Microsoft Graph and .NET Core  Useful links------------------- ‎Hello World on Spotify: ‎Hello World on Google Podcasts: Hello World on Apple Podcasts:   Join us Backstage:   iCal URL: