In a behind-the-scenes conversation – Eva and Kyley talk about spiritual culture and consumerism, trends and their experiences, and what it means to have a spiritual practice that pushes you.


This is a critical and introspective look at the world they are participating in and what they agree with and where they think we can do better.


Some topics they touch on:

* The culture and consumerism of spirituality

* What is the actual work of being spiritual

* What it means to be bold in your spiritual practice

* Where does your practice enable you and how does it empower you? 


Doors for Sanctuary,  a 3 month spiritual mastermind, open now! Click below to learn more.

Eva's instagram: @iamevaliao

Book a discovery call with Eva

Kyley's Instagram: @kyleycaldwell

Join Kyley’s Facebook group: Akashic Soul Circle