Radoslav Stankov has been doing software development since 2002, starting as PHP programer, but quickly moved around the tech stack. Rodoslav considers himself to be a full stack developer. Currently he's working at ProductHunt, where he does iOS development in Objective-C / Swift, backend in Node and Rails and frontend in React / Redux. He believes that frontend and backend are equally important and a lot of problems can be avoided by working in collaboration.

Show notes at http://hellotechpros.com/radoslav-stankov-technology/

Key Takeaways ProductHunt started as small mail list, hottest thing in tech today. Place to discover your next favorite thing - podcast, text, books. Not a single person knows everything, ask for help if you don't know, there is no shame, but there is shame in not having respect for others. Estimating projects can be off by far if you don't understand the other tech stacks. Strive to be equal partners with clients, they can explain why something not needed or need to be added, have weekly goals. Everything that can be automated should be automated, just focus on what the code should be doing. graphQL from Facebook is alternative to REST services + JSON and every client gets the same response graphQL you pass in a template and get back the data you want mobile app and chrome extensions use public API; website uses private API where things change contantly defined like a database schema People should not label themselves as a frontend or backend developer, they should be someone who solves problems on a team. Resources Mentioned ProductHunt graphQL Sponsors Levant Technologies - Voted Oklahoma's #1 website design and development company.
