Francesco was originally from Napoli, Italy, a different breed who cracked the code on how to keep one internal happiness in check & how to be in a blissful state despite surrounded by an opposed surroundings.

In his own words, " Whatever people say or do to you is due to their state of mind, how they feel in the moment and whatever is happening inside of them, which can make them A-HOLE or a lovely person to be surrounded with, & that has nothing to do with you, because that's their reality, that's what's going on in them, internally, so first thing, learn to not take things personally, the one thing you can control is, what you choose to take in and filter out, by doing that, you won't get "hurt" by their harsh comments / actions. Where you can stay in a state of bliss, & even if "Hell" is physically present, it will not affect you.

How we perceived the world is the only reality we have to deal with.

If you chose to eavesdrop on this episode, you certainly got more than what you bargained for.
