Jacob Whipcream - Arguably the most talented latte artist in the Klang Valley, mostly noted for his viral latte art videos on instagram back in 2014 and also for winning several latte art throwdown circa 2015,2016. Some of his day ones may have known him as Hakim, but ever since 2011, he stuck through with the online persona that compliment his personal branding to this day. The origin of the last name "Whipcream" was adopted from "The Whipcream Family". A barista collective formed in 2011 , consisting the crew of #130, a code where only Starbucks barista (Malaysia) can relate to.

Jacob Whipcream was born in Kuala Selangor in 1990. He has personal interest for sketching (drawing) and also landscape architecture, early on. He later decided to pursuit culinary arts to channel his creativity in an art form that could put food on the table, literally. Tremendous amount of cafe experience under his belt these past 8 years, including the legendary, PODGY & THE BANKER (Sri Hartamas). Jacob Whipcream also known as Hakim is now currently positioned as a lead barista in "Tujoh", a hearty yet indie cafe, based in Petaling Jaya, His passions includes traveling, cooking, working out and being there for his friends and family.

In this podcast, Jacob Whipcream shares why it's important to have passion and what would he do if only had 3 hours left to live?
