
Well, hello there, friend! We're back for our review of Mr. Robot S4E2, called "402 Payment Required." What did you think of this latest installment of the final season of the series? Did you find there were more questions than answers -- or are you starting to see where things are heading? We learned some new information regarding the nature of the so-called "invisible hand" controlling the world stage. We also learned that, as always, the true nature of who and what Elliot is seems difficult to determine. Darlene, Dominique, Phillip Price all appear to be playing their own roles in reference either helping or hindering the Dark Army -- or a smattering of both. Even Frosty the Snowman made an appearance. Janice is the creepiest taxidermist around, and that's saying something. Please listen, rate and review this podcast. Please feel free to write us at [email protected] if you have any feedback on the series or the podcast.