Previous Episode: "Weird News"

What's going on with Q Anon and what's the latest news from those inside? Shred's back in studio to update us and shed some light on how weather manipulation has been happening for many decades.

Kevin apologizes because Jason Piccolo was supposed to join Shred in this part of the Series. Unfortunately, Kevin didn't buy the right audio equipment to make this happen. Kevin guaranteed that Part VII of the Truth Series will have Jason & Shred on to talk.

They kick things off with a discussion about what Q has been up to and why he's seemingly "disappeared". Shred tells the boys that 8 chan, the blog channel in which Q would put out information, was taken down for some time. Supposedly the host/server company was going public with an IPO and because of Q being a part of that, had it shut down. But wait, all this went before Congress, yes you heard that right, and 8 chan is going back up very soon. Some interesting stuff there. Shred also brings up the El Paso shootings and how one news channel broke in too early with the news, which raised suspicions. You can find that video here and make your own opinions. ->
Shred says that while he feels these shootings DID happen, they were staged as a "False Flag" to support the gun laws agenda.

The focus goes from there to Hurricane Dorian. Hurricane Dorian absolutely devastated Freeport, Bahamas, and Shred thinks that this was done on purpose. That's what prompts Kevin to ask about weather manipulation. Shred says they have cloud seeded and used the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) for years. He brings up Operation Popeye, when the government made it rain in Vietnam to slow the movement of the Viet-Cong, during the Vietnam War. He also notes that cloud seeding was used during the 2008 Olympics. He notes that weather manipulation has been used in many instances, and will be continued to be used. In the instance of Hurricane Dorian, he feels as though they stopped the hurricane over Freeport, where China built a multi-million dollar port back in the 1990's. Could this have something to do with the US and China relations?? Shred feels as though it does. He also is pretty positive much of what happens with weather manipulation has to do with making money for certain people in the government.

Shred has some homework for all the listeners. He would like you to watch the following video, as himself and Jason Piccolo will be discussing it in the next part of the Truth Series!
Video -

The Truth Series episodes are always a listener and fan favorite. If there is something you'd like to hear more about, please email Kevin - [email protected] and your question may get answered by Shred himself! Stay Safe out there!