Previous Episode: "Kids and Covid"
Next Episode: "Defund the Police?"

Kevin & Sully decided it was time to have an episode where there were no interviews or general topics. They wanted to catch listeners up with what's been going on in their lives. Kevin's wife has Stage 2 Breast Cancer (she's only 30 years old), and has been dealing with that, with her, since around May. He talks about how difficult it is to manage everything day to day, and care for her as well. He says the outpouring of support has been amazing, and the difficult part about that, is he feels like he needs to reay that somehow. Sully says there should be no thought of repayment because the people that either donate, make food, or anything else, the payment is in them. They see the good it does and the help it provides, so that is the best for of "repayment". They do have a gofundme page set up here if you would like a way to help. Sully's wife is pregnant and he has been anxiously awaiting his first child for awhile now! She is due in September, so all of the build up and anticipation will soon be over. He talks about he nervous he is to be a new dad and how he cannot imagine life will be like in a month. Kevin (speaking from experience), tells him that it will obviously change his whole outlook on life, and to enjoy the short infant times, because it goes by fast. Sully will be a great dad, we all know it. We hope to do more of these episodes as we round out the year, so we can get back to our "roots" and talk about random stuff, our thoughts, opinions and more with today's society. We'll talk to you soon!

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