Can you believe the boys made it to the 100 episode mark?? Neither can they! Kevin & Sully have a great conversation for their anniversary episode and reminisce, as well as, discuss some of the "behind the scenes" things that happen while recording, or not recording.

Kevin forgot to hit the record button! What??!! Yep, oops. Even after 100 episodes (more if you include the Business Spotlights), they still make mistakes. No one is perfect right? The guys laugh about it, because fortunately enough, they figured it out only 10 minutes into their recording of this episode.

Kevin brings up the fact that Halloween is this week, Sully's birthday and their 100th episode. What an amazing week! Lots of good things happening and good stuff coming down the chute. Sully jokes that he isn't 25, after Kevin tries to say that's how old he is. Sully will be 36 and it's hitting him hard. They talk about what it's like at this age, to wait by the mailbox for blood work from the doctors office, and how the time seems to go by even faster the more you age.

They shift their focus to some of their favorite episodes. Sully brings up how Sean Whalen's episode has changed his mindset in life, and how he carries himself and his perspectives a little differently now. Kevin says that he includes that in one of his "top" episodes along with Nick Yarris and Psychic Greg Stanley. He calls them the "most powerful" yet. If you haven't listened to those episodes yet, they're a must. Kevin's favorite episode so far was when Lauren first joined them, along with Officer Ashley Smith. He talks about how they meshed so well together and it was a hilarious episode. They continue to go through a lot of the past episodes for a better part of this one.

Kevin brings up Halloween and if Sully is taking his dogs trick or treating. Sully says no, but he does sit out and will occasionally give a beer to some of the dads taking their kids out for the evening. Now that's a house every parent should stop at! Kevin wraps things up congratulating Sully, Crystal, Rianna and Lauren for their accomplishment and says they're ready for 100 more episodes. He wishes Sully a Happy Birthday and all of the listeners a happy & safe Halloween.

A note from Kevin - "THANK YOU to our listeners, fans, followers, friends and family for the support in this endeavor. Sully and myself never anticipated the podcast gaining so much traction in the industry, but here we are! We'd like to thank ALL of our past guests for taking time from their busy lives to create some content with us, and we look forward to working with so many more in the future. Our mission is to create content for people combatting PTSD. That hasn't changed. We will continue to do our best at providing high quality, relevant content to our listeners. Thank you, again!"