Rianna is BACK, and BETTER than ever! Kevin and Sully missed having Rianna on the podcast but knew she had a lot going on between the tour, photo shoots and, this is a big one.... her Playboy Cover! She's a busy girl, but she also enjoys being a part of the podcast as a co-host.

Kevin starts this episode off talking about his weekend and how he smoked ribs & chicken on his (fairly new) smoker. He confuses Rianna a bit because she thought he meant marijuana when he said he smoked all weekend. He also explains to her that they cannot smoke marijuana, even if it was legal, because of the profession they are in. Sully then jokes about having to take a drug test at work now because of this talk. Kevin welcomes Rianna back to the show, and she says how much she's missed being on. She talks about her Mike Busey Tour time and how meeting her fans was the best part. She enjoys interacting personally with them and giving them a chance to meet her. She calls the tour like a "Rockstar Circus", with tons of little bits all the people have that are a part of it, and explains what her part was. She said that being on the Tour Bus was exhausting with little to no sleep and they couldn't shower or use the bathroom on the bus... wait, what??? She said cleansing wipes are your friend and it wasn't too bad because they would stop at hotels frequently to shower and freshen up. A lot of Rianna's fans were pessimistic about this choice to be on tour with Mike Busey, but she said it was a decent experience in the end. Sully asks her about her Playboy shoot, and we learn that she was actually bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider prior to the photo shoot (insert wide eyed emoji here). She says that she was in pain, super dizzy and didn't feel well at all, but had to push through for this experience and opportunity. A day or two after the shoot, she finally went to the hospital and the doctor told her she was very lucky, because typically that type of spider bite can be deadly. They wrap up discussing Rianna's "Legends of Instagram" photo tour in the Bahamas and how she will be going to Costa Rica, this week, to shoot another one. She said her experience in the Bahamas was amazing. So amazing that she's really looking forward to Costa Rica!

It's always great to have Rianna join an episode. Kevin & Sully know she's a busy person but she commits that she will be back more often now that she is done with touring.