Chris McCoy was a member of the Army 2D Battalion - 75th Ranger Regiment. He deployed multiple times and saw plenty of combat. He also owns Level Seven Apparel and is a nationally known graffiti artist. His work is amazing!

Chris started out drawing at an early age and he's used it as an outlet for the transition from being in the military, back to civilian life. They discuss how passions like that tend to help get peoples minds off of some of the shit they've had to deal with. Kevin brings up that anyone in their line feels fear, and that most of the time, that's what draws them back to their training to handle certain circumstances they may face. He also says that anyone who denies that fear, is full of shit. Sully & Chris agree, and Chris relates that back to a time in Bosnia when he was in an intense firefight, he can remember how his toes felt in his boots, the smell of body odor emitting from himself and more. Typically a normal person wouldn't recall that type of thing, but in these moments, they seem to be engrained in your mind.

Chris is the owner of Level Seven Apparel, go check out some of his stuff! He can also be found on Instagram at &

Some of his paintings are up there as well as shirts, headwear, canvas prints and more!