​Hell Yes Lifers, today my guest on the show is Maria Liberati. An award-winning cookbook author and celebrity chef, Maria is considered one of the foremost experts on Italian cuisine and culture and has been called the Italian 'Martha Stewart'. Her Basic Art of Italian Cooking book series was awarded the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Paris, France.

​Check out her cookbooks and her story on MariaLiberati.com 

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​Hell Yes Lifers, today my guest on the show is Maria Liberati. An award-winning cookbook author and celebrity chef, Maria is considered one of the foremost experts on Italian cuisine and culture and has been called the Italian 'Martha Stewart'. Her Basic Art of Italian Cooking book series was awarded the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Paris, France.

​Check out her cookbooks and her story on MariaLiberati.com 

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