Strap on your Dream-Streamer headset, hell-hacker. You're entering part 1 of a two-part season finale that will launch the show in a new direction — a serial story arc for Season 02, about which we are very excited. Join father and son Thornton and Kirby Bevins for a walk in the park. It ain't a walk in the park, if you know what I mean. Thornton reveals a shocking secret about Kirby's past. Kirby doesn't believe it. Some confessions are just too wild to be accepted. Will he take Dad seriously, or is ol' Thornton too sick to think straight? At least one thing is certain. After this, everything changes.

Don't feed the abandoned zoo animals. And look out for demon beasts while you're in the woods. Maybe it's polar bears? Whatever it is, something's stalking Neo Amsterdenizens, and it's not nice.

So if you're down for a rough ride through Hell Gate City, jack into your cyber-deck right quick. Soak up the data stream before Ascension goes bats**t and vacuums us into the sky.

Bevins out.


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Screaming Panda presents Hell Gate City Companion

Created by Kevin Berrey

Sound Design and Audio Post Production by Dom Storrs, on the web at, and on social media @dom_storrs

Written and performed by Kevin Berrey, online at and on socials @berrey

Original Score composed by Cheska Navarro, online at and on social media @cheska_yo

For more information visit


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