We hit 10,000 Listens/Downloads recently! That's wild! Thank you so much for listening to us and helping us reach this goal. Now we wanna make sure we give you an amazing final few episodes! Heinous Investigations returns Wednesday, February 16th 2022!

Hey fellow Investigators! Don’t forget to check out our Patreon Page at patreon.com/wildelypods for all kinds of fun bonus content and the chance to help us make more episodes! You can also follow us on social media and post questions for our Companion Series "Wildely Abandoned", where we discuss everything relating to (and not relating to) the podcast (Highlights on YouTube, Full Episodes Exclusively on Patreon).

Featuring the Voices of David Manuele, Elena Garcia, Bryce Riffle, Toan Nguyen, D.G. Holsteen, AJ Somerville, Naomi Park, Maria Elizabeth Burns, Jamie Forney, Emily Foulger and Jessica Castro.

Sound Design, Editing and Mixing by Finn Nielsen and Owen Thornton.

YouTube Channel - Wildely Productions

Redbubble Shop (for Merch) - WildelyPros

Reddit (for Questions/Recommendations/Cross-Promotion Inquiries) - Wildelypods

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