Sex exceptionalism is the tendency to elevate the sexual component of difficult questions and controversies as inherently worthy of specialized attention. This episode addresses the risks of ‘sexceptionalism’ in the context of coercion and the competing duties of university professors.

Kim Ferzan is Harrison Robertson Professor of Law & Joel B. Piassick Research Professor of Law at the University of Virginia School of Law. She researches and writes on criminal law theory. We discuss her forthcoming article in the Arizona State Law Journal, “Consent and Coercion.”

Professor Ferzan’s Faculty Bio:

You can find Professor Ferzan on Twitter @KimFerzan

On the Sullivan/Weinstein controversy:

In Defense of Harvard Weinstein’s Harvard Lawyer, The Atlantic, March 3, 2019.

Petition, Students for the Removal of Winthrop Dean Sullivan.

Robby Soave, “A Harvard Law Professor Is Representing Harvey Weinstein. Students Say This Makes Them Unsafe, Demand His Resignation,” Reason, Feb. 26, 2019.

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