Welcome to Heels of Justice; these are the stories of women lawyers who are trailblazers in their field and paved the way for the rest of us.

Today, Katherine and Sarita wanted to take a moment to reflect on how their interviews with such amazing guests have resonated with them so far, both personally and professionally.


Key Takeaways

[:22] Katherine and Sarita welcome listeners to this second special episode of the Heels of Justice podcast and explain what about these discussions resonated with them the most.

[:39] Sarita begins the conversation by asking Katherine how she felt interviewing Dahlia Lithwick.

[2:57   ] Sarita quotes Dahlia when she spoke of RBG, and your hosts discuss the nature of RBG outside of the meme she’s become as well as celebrity culture.

[7:08] Sarita wants people who don’t know Kathi to understand just how dynamic she is in the breadth of her involvement.

[8:20] Katherine appreciated Kathi’s message to find ways to add value, to keep learning to be better at what you do.

[10:32] Sarita shares the moments when she did feel like she couldn’t do it all, and how Kathi’s message not to compare yourself to others and to do everything you can that makes you happy.

[12:50] Katherine loved how Kathi took the comments without ego and took these opportunities to learn and grow herself as well as try to better support her female colleagues.

[15:14] Katherine also shares her positively changed impression of Kathi after the interview!

[16:25] Sarita admits to not having read Andie’s book, but in the light of the interview, sees the real-life benefit in adding it to her list!

[18:50] Katherine underscores the importance of the research and work that went into Andie’s book.

[19:25] You hosts discuss diverging points of view regarding the extra considerations women have to factor in.

[22:03] Both Kathi and Andy talked about self-evaluation!

[22:59] Before signing off, Sarita and Katherine invite listeners to connect with the Heels of Justice to propose future guests, and discuss episodes.


That’s it for this episode of Heels of Justice; if you like the stories we’re telling, please visit our website. You can join our mailing list, learn more about our guests, and see what we have planned for the future.

You can also follow us on Twitter, on Instagram, and on Facebook.

Disclaimer: The opinions you have heard are ours or our guest’s alone. They’re not the opinions of our employers, or our clients, or our bosses, and not our husbands, kids or pets, or anyone else’s.


Mentioned in this episode (chronological order)

Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Sandra Day O’Connor

Harry Potter

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg


More about the Heels of Justice, Sarita Venkat, and Katherine Minarik

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