Rodney Cox - founder and President of Ministry Insights International and Chief Business Development Officer for TTI Success Insights - discusses his work and path as a servant leader, entrepreneurial bread-winner, husband, and father. He talks about his transformational ministry and entrepreneurial work for organizations and individuals and explains his thoughts on service, connection, compassion, and leadership. 

Show Notes:

Rodney defines true success as relationship transformation and gives a story about shifting perceptions and belief sets True significance to him is when he sees broken relationships transformed and restored Rodney explores the reasons that we as humans are too focused on conflict True leaders invite others to take part in leading - Humble yourself and seek forgiveness Seeking to understand instead of seeking to be understood has huge consequences Rodney describes the beginning of his journey to better understanding his marriage which affected all his other relationships in life It’s important to “count the cost” before you just blindly follow your passions Rodney fully believes that religion needs to take a greater part in people’s lives Rodney reveals the significance of and secret to his deep connection with and responsibility to his family as a husband and father Keep the proper perspective on where your children (and their spouses) are on their spiritual maturity path and avoid the temptation of looking at your children as experienced spiritually as you are – handling challenges in the same manner. Rodney describes a big mistake that he made as an entrepreneur…to the tune of over $1 Million…and counting Rodney is living proof that the relational aspect of leadership is much more important than the skill part of leadership Rodney describes his theoretical way back on his feet if he should become being financially destitute 

Key Points / Quotes:

-     “… true relational transformation comes as we seek to understand others first and shift our beliefs about the people we’re doing life with.. it’s there we start seeing fruit in our relationships in ways we’ve never seen it before or imagined possible...” - Rodney Cox

-     “…be courageous enough to run into what you’re running from, it’s there where real transformation and true success are encountered...” – Rodney Cox

Resources Mentioned: