Deacon Hayes - Co-Founder of Well Kept Wallet, the financial education company that provides personal finance resources, author of the book You Can Retire Early, and the creator of the course “Dept-Free in 18 Months” -  shares his extremely beneficial journey towards being a servant leader, entrepreneurial bread winner, husband, and father. Deacon shares how he moved from being an employee into being self-employed, what it took to build up his business successfully, and the power of applying your God-given talents and experiences in the service of others.


Show Notes:

How did Deacon Hayes discover his calling and get focused on it Getting out of $52,000 of consumer debt in 18 months was Well Kept Wallet’s starting point What did it feel like for Deacon Hayes’ and his wife to be free from debt America has a “payment lifestyle” that keeps people accustom to debt bondage Deacon Hayes explains how he used his “Debt Elimination Chart” What was his transition from employee to self-employment like How did Deacon and his wife prepare for him to leave his job What was the market like for Well Kept Wallet when he dove in “The 100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau and “The ONE Thing“ by Gary Keller are books that benefited Deacon and he recommends How does Deacon apply his method of achieving his goal targets What is the top habit that has impacted Deacon’s discipline Financial stress and selfishness can ruin relationships Be intentional about how you use the money that God allows you to use What has been the most character-building moment that Deacon has learned from in his entrepreneurship calling What would Deacon do differently as a father Why is it mission-critical to push yourself forward into your calling in life You may have more than one calling to live up to What are the three key pearls of wisdom Deacon would share to make men become their best


3 Key Points:

Be on the same page with your spouse when creating your plan to leave your day job for entrepreneurship. Experiment with low cost / low risk concept to test demand and prove the market for your business first before investing heavily in it. If you don’t have the cash right now, you can’t afford it



Sharable Quotes:

“For me, a calling is basically finding what my God-given talents are, and then being able to put those to work to serve others well” – Deacon Hayes “Declutter your life before you go into business for yourself.” – Deacon Hayes “Keys to becoming out a path, create your game plan and most importantly, set deadlines...” – Deacon Hayes



com com Linkedin: Deacon Hayes Twitter: @deaconhayes “You Can Retire Early” book by Deacon Hayes Debt-Free in 18 Months course from Well Kept Wallet



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