John Cattermole - husband, father, grandfather, servant leader, and entrepreneurial breadwinner, shares his personal and professional Calling Journey, including 25 years bringing pain relief to people suffering – physically, emotionally and spiritually. John shares how his work in physical therapy led him on a path where he encountered the revolutionary Egoscue Method – a natural, Postural Therapy, focused on the root-source of pain to bring relief to people once trapped in chronic pain. So impressed by the results his family and clients were experiencing that he and his bride felt led to partner with Egoscue as franchisees. And, subsequently rose to becoming one of the top Egoscue operators in the country – but not without precarious, character refining valleys with life threatening health, financial and business low points along his path. John’s abiding faith in Jesus Christ is his life-line to emerging through the flames more dependent on God’s grace and more refined as a disciple maker.



Show Notes:

How does John Cattermole define his “Calling” What experiences and clues did John have that convicted him to know entrepreneurship was included in his vocational calling How did the Egoscue Method alter his family’s life and what makes Egoscue such a revolutionary form of self-practiced healing How are posture and stress related to pain and what can you do to leverage these truths What easy and simple exercises can we do to counter the negative effects and monotony of sitting for long periods of time Maintaining your “container” is key - If you lose your body, you lose your capacity to perform and potentially your career How does the relationship of stress correlate to physical pain Worry causes the heart to flutter and the palms to sweat What leads to a feeling of helplessness and victimization Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you What is one key strategy that helps John balance business and relationships The closer you walk with God the more in balanced your life becomes What has John learned from his trials and tribulations Step-up and live-up to the responsibilities that God has entrusted you with Why is it mission-critical for men to heed their calling Faith lives in our daily choices What wisdom has John learned to do and not to do as “couple-preneurs”

 Key Points / Quotes:

“It’s our responsibility to carry out the responsibilities that the Lord has entrusted us with. And it’s to do our jobs well, it’s to exercise love toward our families and to be of service to other human beings.” - John Cattermole   Sitting correctly is the most efficient postures to carry out our life’s purpose. Sedentary lifestyles, where we remain seated too long, are an epic global health problem. (Egoscue) This is really a method where we show other people how capable they are of resolving their own chronic pain through postural correction. If muscles are not in use, the body does not send energy to those muscles.


Resources Mentioned:

Linkedin: John Cattermole Egoscue of Phoenix John Cattermole (Phone): (602) 443-6818 John Cattermole (Email): [email protected]