This week we're on with renowned photographer and former vintage dealer / cigarette security guard Eric Kvatek. After getting an initial lucky break, Eric has shot for everyone from 45rpm, Strongarm, Battenwear, W'menswear, Holubar, Heddels, and most notably all the books for Japanese brand Kapital.

One of his passions from his collecting days is printed t-shirts, specifically Harley-Davidson t-shirts from their xenophobic anti-Japan era of the 1970s and 80s. As the US manufacturing economy waned and thousands of blue collar Americans were out of work, Harley lashed out with a series of both authorized and bootleg t-shirts aimed at their Japanese competitors and the Japanese people in general. Eric and David talk through the story of how these shirts came into existence and the violent effect they had on Asian-Americans, including Chinese-American Vincent Chin who was beaten to death by white Chrysler auto workers.

To view examples of these shirts from Eric's collection, check out the article on You can also follow Eric on Instagram @eric_kvatek or visit his website As always, you can get a 10% discount at the Heddels Shop with code BLOWOUT including a recent restocks of Teamster Tees.