In this teaching series, Eddie teaches on a Hebraic view of bible prophecy. Specifically, he will be teaching on how the dividing of the land of Israel to create a Palestinian state is a tribulation event which will lead to prophetic events happening in the nations. Topics to be covered include:
* Dividing the land of Israel will lead to the judgment of the nations.
*The fall of the spirtitual land of Babylon (USA).
*The end of the exile and the ingathering of the exiles of Israel by Yeshua. (Ezek 37:15-28)
*The ushering in of the Messianic era.
*The role that Hanukkah plays in the unfolding “controversy of Zion”.
These events are associated with the controversy of Zion (Isaiah 34:8), which is a controversy over the land of Israel. The tribulation itself is called the time of “Jacob’s trouble.” The “controversy of Zion” is centered on a conflict between the house of Jacob and the house of Esau. This conflict will involve all the nations of the earth.
We need to understand an important principle: that biblical history is prophecy. The historical events that happened to our forefathers literally happened but those events are a prophetic blueprint and template for the last generation. Listen in as we begin this riveting series!

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