Hey HBs! Naima Simone is back to recap Smut by Karina Halle! Two twenty-somethings who hate each other are forced to write their final project together and... it goes really well! Then they start writing erotic romance together under a very secret pen name. There's a lot of (very realistic) romance shame that we didn't love, but the book was soooo good!

Bonus content: Naima's daughter got her first tattoo, the Lion King is becoming a theme with us, Melody knows she's Pumba, Mel was a pig farmer, "stopping is my current hard limit," shopping for kid shoes while listening to this audiobook, we needed a grovel TO ROMANCE from all the characters of this book, and so much more!

Lady Loves:

Mel: Are you a Pumba? Embrace and love on your Pumba! Also, Berries and Greed by Lily Mayne! It's an M/F (her first?) with soft D/s play and unapologetic vaginismus!

Naima: The Marriage Favor by Shvonne Latrice! It's a book that expanded her horizons!

Make sure to check out Mel's new podcast Bonkers Romance

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