First day of school photo
School bus couldn't find James's house
'Stranger Danger' is not a thing
School starts and Christopher thinks FOOTBALL!
James's iPhone 4 drowns
Pop Warner Football
Phoenix kids can't run in the rain
James was an angry kid - good for football
The Washington Football team logo was the best
James doesn't like a lot of things
Piestewa Peak
"Patricia Peak"
"Stop remembering things I say."
Pedantic vs didactic
"One man's pedantic is another man's awesome."
Christopher ambushes James again with a guest
Starting the game with a 5 minute warning
Shoes, insurance, and mortuary
Friends since 1974
"Let's be clear, I'm not a nice person."
Jimmy stole Darron's skateboard and Christopher's 'medicinal herb'
Cremation blowback - 'over the top' is not a good line for funeral homes
Mortuary business doubled
No days off for Darren
How many COVID 'customers'? in early 2020 - 1/3 were COVID, now only 1/4
Darren's mortuary saw mostly elderly dying from COVID, but also Hawaiians, Samoans, Philippinos (not overweight) & Latinos, and 30-60 year olds who were overweight
No bailout for the funeral home (none needed)
Death AND Taxes
Philippinos not respecting PPE at funeral home
The headshop next door ruined James's gallery insurance
Was that supposed to be a joke?