
PopSub Podcast

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Christopher and Amarjit - friends since 8th grade
High school used to be better
Losing fingers is just part of growing up in Arizona
Free doughnut! Oh, Crispy Cream... forget it.
Amarjt's spicy Chai Tea
Ten Gurus - basis of Sikhs
Amarjit's travel tips for India
Guru Granth Sahib
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam
Sikhism - no hell, just self realization
Singh for men, Kaur for women - way to dismantle Indian caste system
The Golden Temple feeds 100,000 people a day
"If it changes, it dies"
"The soul is perfect" so don't try to change it, just realize it
Self realization is a process of subtraction
Slide projector / remove slide to see white light (consciousness) = self realization
A "colorful person" is really just neurotic
"Are you saying I'm neurotic?" "No, you're not that colorful."
Sikh Warrior
Crossed swords - one to be the warrior of the soul, the other to be the warrior of world/politics
India not really masking up (this is before spike in April)
Indians have a different sense of personal space
Big red X on your house if you have COVID in India - caused many suicides
COVID response is speeding up current trends
Kids aren't learning personal skills
Zoom and masks both stifle communication
Classrooms are now silent
BSA to the rescue - the opposite of Idiocracy
We all impact the 'Collective Consciousness'
Amarjit's Bodhi Tree story - kid is getting all the leaves. Amajit lets go and leaves start falling on him.
Amijit's first retreat - He gets bullied
"Who is the first victim of your anger?"
Don't be clever with people, be generous
Fight fire with fire? Maybe try water.
Aversion or Attachement
Are facial expressions cultural or innate?
James channels the GGs
Amijit's podcast - The Story of My with Amarjit Singh
All the way from India just for this podcast
Psychedelics? Oh, yes. Mushroom yogu, but nothing compared to meditating in a cave for 10 hours a day 40 days.