Those of us who live in the temperate zone between the polar and tropical latitudes, are used to distinctive seasons, and the biggest distinction of all is between summer and winter. The differences—in weather, in the natural world, and in the animal kingdom—are dramatic, and they add up to a completely different sonic atmosphere in winter. For composers of sacred music for the winter religious celebrations, it’s led to a seasonal repertoire with special sounds, like bells and chimes; special instruments, like the pipe organ; and massed singing, in choral groups of all sizes. While for ambient composers, a new world of chilled sound design and thematic expression opens up in winter. In the 1970s, composer ARVO PÄRT from far north Estonia, abandoned rigid academic avant-garde formulas, and invented a new compositional system called tintinnabuli, inspired by bells, Medieval plainsong, Gregorian chant, Renaissance liturgical music, and contemporary Minimalism. The combination of slow, unchanging tempos, consonant harmonies, and minimalist simplicity created a sublime sacred atmosphere, which seemed to fill a spiritual void in the audience. Pärt’s music became so popular that he inspired a new genre called mystic or sacred minimalism, which remains a powerful influence on classical and ambient musicians worldwide. On this transmission of HEARTS of SPACE, sacred choral and instrumental music for the season, on a program called 'WINTERSONGS 3.' Music is by DAVID ARKENSTONE, ARVO PÄRT, LIBERA, VOCES8, OLA GJEILO. and PAUL AVGERINOS. [ view playlist ] [ view Flickr image gallery ] [ play 30 second MP3 promo ]

Those of us who live in the temperate zone between the polar and tropical latitudes, are used to distinctive seasons, and the biggest distinction of all is between summer and winter.  The differences—in weather, in the natural world, and in the animal kingdom—are dramatic, and they add up to a completely different sonic atmosphere in winter.

For composers of sacred music for the winter religious celebrations, it’s led to a seasonal repertoire with special sounds, like bells and chimes; special instruments, like the pipe organ; and massed singing, in choral groups of all sizes. While for ambient composers, a new world of chilled sound design and thematic expression opens up in winter.  

In the 1970s, composer ARVO PÄRT from far north Estonia, abandoned rigid academic avant-garde formulas, and invented a new compositional system called tintinnabuli, inspired by bells, Medieval plainsong, Gregorian chant, Renaissance liturgical music, and contemporary Minimalism.

The combination of slow, unchanging tempos, consonant harmonies, and minimalist simplicity created a sublime sacred atmosphere, which seemed to fill a spiritual void in the audience. Pärt’s music became so popular that he inspired a new genre called mystic or sacred minimalism, which remains a powerful influence on classical and ambient musicians worldwide.

On this transmission of HEARTS of SPACE, sacred choral and instrumental music for the season, on a program called 'WINTERSONGS 3.' Music is by DAVID ARKENSTONE, ARVO PÄRT, LIBERA, VOCES8, OLA GJEILO. and PAUL AVGERINOS.

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