Full transcription available at http://heartsofgoldpodcast.com/

Mirika's project aimed to promote literacy and engage youth with reading and literature. She organized workshops, conducted book drives, interviewed authors, and even started a podcast to share her love for reading. Despite facing challenges due to the pandemic, Mirika adapted her project to a digital format and expanded it globally, forming chapters in different countries. She also created a database of books and provided personalized book recommendations to children. Mirika reflects on her Girl Scout journey, highlighting the personal growth and leadership skills she gained. She encourages other Girl Scouts to take on the Gold Award challenge and emphasizes the flexibility and impact it can have.

More from Mirika:

For over a decade, my journey as a Girl Scout has woven a tapestry of leadership, service, and personal growth as I’ve worked toward earning my Bronze, Silver, and Gold Girl Scout awards. Being able to give back to my community through Girl Scouts has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and the program has instilled in me a lifelong commitment to service.

In high school, I actively engaged in community service initiatives through volunteering with different nonprofits. I was also highly involved with my school’s newspaper and publications, varsity swim team, and various research labs.

I plan to continue my academic journey at Harvard University, where I intend to concentrate in Molecular Biology and Government. I hope to pursue a career at the intersection of scientific advancement and societal well-being. I am looking forward to broadening my horizons and expanding my Gold Award project to reach youth in Cambridge through partnering with local organizations.

My journey with Girl Scouts has been fulfilling and inspiring, and I am excited to see where my future endeavors take me as I continue to grow and develop as a leader and changemaker.


@bookorators on Instagram and Linkedin

Key takeaways from the episode:

Mirika's Girl Scout Gold Award project, called Book Raiders, aimed to engage youth with reading and literature. She hosted workshops, conducted book drives, interviewed authors, and even started a podcast to share her love for reading with others.

Mirika's inspiration for her project came from her own love for reading and her observation of how technology and STEM education have taken precedence over reading in children's lives. She wanted to reconnect younger children with books and emphasize the importance of reading for communication skills.

Mirika faced challenges during her project, especially when the pandemic hit and she had to shift everything to a digital format. However, she overcame these challenges by creating a website, reaching out to like-minded individuals globally, and expanding Book Raiders into a global organization with chapters in different countries. She also learned that the Gold Award process is flexible and allows Girl Scouts to pursue their passions and make a meaningful impact in their communities.

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Editing by https://www.offthewalter.com/ Walter’s YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt0wFZRVaOpUd_nXc_8-4yQ