Full transcription available at http://heartsofgoldpodcast.com/

In this episode of Hearts of Gold, Lakshanya talks about her Girl Scout Gold Award project, which focuses on inspiring young children to navigate through media effectively. Lakshanya created a curriculum where she presented information to schools in India, her local community, and her high school. She provided tips and tricks on how to safely navigate through the internet and social media by having a Q&A session with the students. Lakshanya's project aims to protect the next generation from negative effects and provide children with the necessary skills to safely navigate through media.

More from Lakshanya:

I have been a Girl Scout since I was in Kindergarten and if it's one thing I learned it’s that Samoas and Thin Mints are the superior cookies... I’m kidding. Girl Scouts has taught me that you need resilience and creativity, not just one or the other(especially when it comes to selling cookies), but it has also shown the power of being a woman. I have completed the Silver Award and met some of my best friends while doing the project! I also participate in science fairs, am the vice president of the Speech and Debate club at my school, the founder of the Women in Science Club at my high school, lead for Student Government, and have participated in track and field for 5 years. In the future, I hope to become an MD PhD and use the leadership skills that I have learned to help others succeed in the process!

Website link: https://rajaganapathilaksh.wixsite.com/my-site-1/blog

Key points from the episode:

Media literacy for young children.

In today's world, media is everywhere. From television to social media, it is difficult to escape the constant barrage of information. For young children, this can be overwhelming and confusing. That is why media literacy is so important. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms. It is a crucial skill that can help children navigate the complex world of media.

Lakshanya, a Girl Scout, recognized the importance of media literacy and decided to make it the focus of her Gold Award project. Her project aimed to inspire young children, specifically elementary schoolers and high schoolers, on effective ways to navigate through media. Lakshanya created a curriculum that she presented to schools in India, her local community, and at her high school. Instead of a traditional presentation, she opted for a Q&A format that made the students feel like they were getting advice from a peer.

For elementary schoolers, Lakshanya used an analogy to help them understand the importance of media literacy. She asked them if they ever saw a bright packaging at the store and wanted to buy it just because of the packaging. She then compared this to the colorful pictures and videos on YouTube that may not be safe. For high schoolers, Lakshanya talked about the negative effects of social media, like catfishing attempts and cyberbullying.

Lakshanya's project had a significant impact on the students she presented to. She realized that many students did not know about the negative sides of social media and were not aware of the importance of media literacy. In addition to her presentations, Lakshanya also created a website that allows students to reflect on situations that have happened, give advice, and provide videos on further media literacy.

Lakshanya's project is an excellent example of the importance of media literacy for young children. It is crucial to teach children how to navigate through media safely and effectively. With the constant barrage of information that children face, media literacy is a crucial skill that can help them make informed decisions and avoid negative consequences. By teaching children media literacy, we can help them become responsible and informed media consumers.

Social media can harm.

During her sessions with elementary school students, Lakshanya was surprised to find that many of them did not understand the impact of social media. They saw it as a tool for being cool and scrolling through content, but did not realize the potential harm it could cause. Lakshanya explained to them how one word on Instagram or Snapchat could flip someone's world upside down. She also taught them tips and tricks on how to stay safe online, such as checking with parents before watching videos on YouTube.

The biggest challenge Lakshanya faced during her project was getting students to attend her sessions. However, she overcame this by offering incentives to engage them and make the sessions more fun. Her efforts paid off, as attendance increased from three to twenty students. Through her project, Lakshanya learned that many young people are not actively thinking about their actions on social media and the potential harm it can cause. By teaching media literacy, she hopes to change this and create a more informed and responsible generation of media consumers.

Lakshanya's favorite part of the project was talking to elementary school students and hearing their tips and tricks on how to stay safe online. She also created a Media Literacy Council in her school and community to spread awareness and promote media literacy. Additionally, she conducted a session in India, where media literacy is not typically included in the curriculum. By teaching children in India about media literacy, Lakshanya hopes to make a positive impact on their lives and help them become responsible media consumers.

Ask for help, fulfill dreams.

Lakshanya's success was not achieved alone. Throughout her project, she had a team of supporters who helped her along the way. Her grandpa and aunt provided her with a store to collect donations and her cousins in India helped her make custom pens and pencils. Additionally, her parents, media teacher, principal, and ninth-grade English teacher all played a significant role in supporting her project. Without their support, Lakshana's project may not have been as successful as it was.

Lakshanya's project also taught her valuable lessons about the Girl Scout Gold Award process. She learned how to balance her time between schoolwork and the project and how to focus on sessions that would be most impactful for the students. She also learned the importance of setting goals and staying focused on them. Although she initially wanted to create a website and go international, she realized that focusing on her community and conducting a session in India would have a more significant impact.

One of the most important lessons Lakshanya learned was not to be afraid to ask for help. Throughout her project, she received tremendous support from her team of supporters, who were all passionate and helpful. Asking for help allowed her to complete her project successfully and fulfill her dreams of promoting media literacy in her community and in India.

Believe in yourself and adventure.

The podcast episode featuring Lakshanya highlights the importance of believing in oneself and embracing adventure. Throughout her Girl Scout journey, Lakshanya has experienced countless adventures, from camping trips to science experiments. She credits Girl Scouts with opening her eyes to the endless possibilities available to girls and women, including fields such as science, architecture, and coding.

Lakshanya's journey culminated in the completion of her Girl Scout Gold Award project, which focused on promoting media literacy among children. Through her project, she emphasized the importance of being a responsible media consumer and seeking help when needed. Lakshanya's project serves as an inspiration to all of us, reminding us of the power of asking for help and promoting media literacy in our communities.

Looking towards the future, Lakshanya is excited for the adventure that lies ahead. As she pursues her dream of becoming a doctor and helping others, she hopes to continue empowering and inspiring those around her. She encourages others to believe in themselves and to embrace the adventure that life has to offer.

Lakshanya's story serves as a reminder of the importance of believing in oneself and embracing adventure. Whether it's through Girl Scouts or pursuing our dreams, we should all strive to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.

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Editing by https://www.offthewalter.com/ Walter’s YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt0wFZRVaOpUd_nXc_8-4yQ