Dr. Kara Young is an expert in food systems and racial inequality. Dr. Young worked as an Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University and currently sits on the steering committee of the Ohio Food Policy Network and the advisory circle of Kindred: "A Creative Accelerator for Artists of Color". Dr. Young has a decade of experience writing, organizing, teaching, and public speaking on food disparities, racial justice, and qualitative research methods. Tune in to learn more about:

- Her own path into the field of food systems and racial inequality;

- The connection between food deserts and food justice;

- Lessons learned from the pandemic;

- Her work teaching in Ohio with Local Matters and 4AllPeople;

- About Kindred: "A Creative Accelerator for Artists of Color";

- Her views and hopes on how to change food systems in the United States.

One of Dr. Young's favorite quotes - "Justice is what love looks like in public" by Cornel West - aptly describes communities today working together in the pandemic to make sure that nobody in this country goes hungry.

To learn more about Dr. Young's work go to: https://www.karaalexisyoung.com.