Episode 260 Highlander Rogue and Battlegrounds. We try our new format of every other week with a few games of highlander rogue and some rounds of battlegrounds.

We try our new format of every other week with a few games of highlander rogue and some rounds of battlegrounds.


Game 1 vs. Hunter (face) —> https://hsreplay.net/replay/3jcey9r4nvdCDS6hpyhgLd

Game 2 vs. Warlock (handlock) —> https://hsreplay.net/replay/uoFQen5WNKGviLcPtsurXc

Battlegrounds 1 (AFK) —> https://hsreplay.net/replay/Tj62sgyDN7CUoyCQd4GfBZ


Dan: @Megadan66 Dan's Twitch Channel
FRID: @FRIDGaming FRID's Twitch Channel

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Twitter: @HearthCoach

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