Episode 209 Hybrid Hunter. As we begin season 5, we turn to arguably the most popular class in the meta. This version is a mash up of secret and midrange Hunter that can catch people off guard as they expect a different deck.

As we begin season 5, we turn to arguably the most popular class in the meta. This version is a mash up of secret and midrange Hunter that can catch people off guard as they expect a different deck.


Game 1 vs. Hunter (spell) —> https://hsreplay.net/replay/e4mpUbjkFZByCU53Mrb5YE

Game 2 vs. Rogue (odd) —> https://hsreplay.net/replay/2umXpK4YjJjUi6PMh7y9JJ

Game 3 vs. Warrior (odd) —> https://hsreplay.net/replay/THE5sbcCW2fCUbe62VDMTE

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