Episode 199 Post Dreamhack Review. Today we review our Dreamhack Atlanta experience and play some odd hunter.

Today we review our Dreamhack Atlanta experience and play some odd hunter.

Tournament profile and decks —> https://smash.gg/tournament/dreamhack-hct-grand-prix-atlanta-2018-1/event/dreamhack-hct-grand-prix-atlanta-2018/entrant/2294494

Streamed match - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/336858212?collection=JDACAWqtZhWRBQ

Game 1 v Warrior - https://hsreplay.net/replay/JbJiDVfE6ZoF3gfbjWDLEY

Game 2 v Paladin - https://hsreplay.net/replay/kz9zc8EE7Zw7hgrEi2oCLX

Game 3 - Warlock - https://hsreplay.net/replay/f9fyKU4GLLwt8imHcFjR58


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FRID: @FRIDGamingFRID's Twitch Channel

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